Menopause treatment Pasadena, TX - Vitality Balance Clinic

Understanding Menopause

What is Menopause?

Menopause marks the end of a woman's menstrual cycles and fertility. It is diagnosed after 12 months of absent periods. The average age is 51, but it can occur from 40-55 years old.

Leading up to menopause is perimenopause, which causes irregular cycles and fluctuating hormone levels. Many women experience symptoms like hot flashes, trouble sleeping, vaginal dryness, and mood changes during this transition. Proper treatment can provide relief.

Our services

Menopause Signs and Symptoms

Typical menopause symptoms include:

Other common effects are fatigue, racing heartbeat, headaches, joint pain, decreased libido, memory issues, and urinary tract infections. The severity varies greatly among women.

Menopause Causes

Menopause begins when the ovaries stop producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone, causing menstrual cycles to cease. This reflects the natural aging of the reproductive system.

In some cases, surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy can trigger early menopause. Genetics and autoimmune disorders also play a role for some women.

Menopause Treatment Options

Lifestyle Changes

Making certain lifestyle adjustments can aid in managing menopausal symptoms:

While helpful, lifestyle changes alone may not adequately treat troublesome menopausal symptoms.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Overview

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) restores estrogen and often progesterone to stabilize hormone levels. This is the most effective treatment for relieving menopausal symptoms that disrupt quality of life.

Benefits include:

There are some health risks to consider as well regarding heart disease, stroke, blood clots etc. Your provider will determine if HRT is appropriate for your individual scenario.

Take control of menopause symptoms. Find relief now.

Hormone Replacement Therapy at Vitality Balance Clinic

As a specialized menopause and hormone therapy center, Vitality Balance Clinic offers cutting-edge HRT customized to your needs.

Experience and Expertise

Our clinicians stay current on the latest research and best practices in the field. We develop personalized plans suited to your symptoms, hormone levels, health history, lifestyle and treatment goals.

State-of-the-Art Protocols

Vitality Balance Clinic provides advanced hormone balancing options beyond traditional HRT:

-Transdermal hormones - Absorbed through the skin for improved safety

Ongoing Care and Support

We recognize hormone therapy is an ongoing partnership requiring:

Our comprehensive approach leads to better outcomes.

HRT Therapy Basics at Vitality Balance Clinic

Getting Started

The initial steps to pursue HRT are:

This information guides development of your customized treatment plan.

HRT Application Methods

We provide multiple techniques to deliver hormones:

Follow-up and Monitoring

Expect regular follow-ups every 3 months in the first year including:

Most women see improvement in 4-6 weeks with maximal benefits in 4-6 months. We modify your therapy until optimal relief is achieved.

Interesting fact

Acupuncture has emerged as an effective alternative therapy for reducing troublesome menopause symptoms. In multiple studies, regular acupuncture treatment has been shown to significantly decrease hot flashes and night sweats without any side effects. The precise reasons it helps are still unclear, but may involve beneficial impacts on serotonin, endorphins, and heat conduction in the body.

Importance of Timely Menopause Treatment

Allowing menopause symptoms to linger untreated over months-years can negatively impact your:

Prolonged estrogen deficiency also accelerates:

In contrast, properly managed HRT from the onset of menopause promotes:

- Symptom relief

Don't settle for suboptimal living. Call Vitality Balance Clinic today for your evaluation.

Take control of menopause symptoms, explore treatment options!

Vitality Balance Clinic HRT Therapy in Pasadena

Pasadena's mild climate and relaxed pace provide an optimal setting for restoring hormonal balance.

Pasadena Climate

With sun-filled days year-round averaging a comfortable 72 degrees, Pasadena's moderate weather supports:

All important for hormonal and mental equilibrium.

Spots for Self-Care and Community

Pasadena offers abundant options to reduce stress during HRT including:

Connect with others going through similar transitions. Shared experience builds solidarity.

Fitness Support

Several local gyms assist with nutrition and activity essential for optimal HRT response like:

Their pools, classes and equipment cater to all fitness levels.

Commit to your self-care during this important life stage. The resources are plentiful in Pasadena. Reach out to Vitality Balance Clinic for any support needed along the way.

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